Below is a part of the hs_err_pid
PSYoungGen total 13888K, used 9807K [0x8a330000, 0x8b140000, 0x914f0000)
eden space 13504K, 69% used [0x8a330000,0x8ac67710,0x8b060000)
from space 384K, 96% used [0x8b0e0000,0x8b13c6e0,0x8b140000)
to space 448K, 0% used [0x8b060000,0x8b060000,0x8b0d0000)
PSOldGen total 115456K, used 57684K [0x514f0000, 0x585b0000, 0x8a330000)
object space 115456K, 49% used [0x514f0000,0x54d451c0,0x585b0000)
PSPermGen total 16384K, used 11253K [0x4d4f0000, 0x4e4f0000, 0x514f0000)
object space 16384K, 68% used [0x4d4f0000,0x4dfed618,0x4e4f0000)
What are
- PSYoungGen
- eden space (from space, to space)
- PSOldGen
- PSPermGen (object space)