Why not do a dynamic sql in you vb form picking the values from the textbox
strSql = "select blah from blah where blah ='" + txtBox.text +"'"
Then use then execute the query in a ado.recordset and pass that into a crystal reports application report object, using ttx files to define the data etc ...
Doing this you only have to worry about the dynamic sql from your vb form for parameter selection. The rest can be templated for any report.
Here is some code to start you off
Set AdoRs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set AdoRs = conn_rep.Execute(strSql)
Set CrRep = CrAppl.OpenReport(App.Path + "\crystal\" + CryReportName)
CrRep.Database.Tables(1).SetDataSource AdoRs, 3
CRViewer1.ReportSource = CrRep
CRViewer1.EnablePrintButton = True
CRViewer1.EnableExportButton = True
CRViewer1.EnablePrintButton = True