Atoms in Scheme, as defined by The Little Schemer:
(define atom?
(lambda (x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
So atoms in Scheme are everything except lists (things created with the 'cons' operator) and null. In Scheme, that ends up being symbols, numbers, methods, and probably a few more things I'm forgetting. Ruby's a lot more complicated.
So for the purposes of doing is the exercises in The Little Schemer, an atom in Ruby is a FixNum, a Symbol, a TrueValue, or a FalseValue. Or a method. And then for lists, you're going to need to define cons, car, and cdr methods for Ruby's array type. I might actually say that anything that's not an Array and is not nil is an atom. This discussion gets subjective at some point.
And then you're probably going to need to do a good bit more hacking to get everything to behave the same. Quite honestly, while I love The Little Schemer, it really does have some things that are fairly Lisp-specific, and while I can see adapting it to another functional language like Haskell without too much trouble, I think it's going to be more trouble than it's worth to get it to work in a language like Ruby.