I suppose this is quite a common SP present in socialnetworks and community type websites. I have this SP that returns all of a user's friends on their 'friends' page order by those currently online, then alphabetically. It's taking quite a while to load and I am looking to speed it up.
I remember reading somewhere on SO that breaking up multiple joins into smaller result sets might speed it up. I haven't tried this yet but I am curious to see what other recommendations SO might have on this procedure.
DECLARE @userID INT -- This variable is parsed in
DECLARE @lastActivityMinutes INT
SET @lastActivitytMinutes = '15'
Active = CASE WHEN DATEDIFF("n", b.LastActivityDate ,GETDATE()) < @lastActivityMinutes THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
a.DisplayName, a.ImageFile, a.UserId, b.LastActivityDate
Profile AS a
INNER JOIN aspnet_Users as b on b.userId = a.UserId
LEFT JOIN Friend AS x ON x.UserID = a.UserID
LEFT JOIN Friend AS z ON z.FriendID = a.UserID
WHERE ((x.FriendId = @userID AND x.status = 1) -- Status = 1 means friendship accepted
OR (z.UserID = @userID AND z.Status = 1))
GROUP BY a.userID, a.DisplayName, a.ImageFile, a.UserId, b.LastActivityDate
ORDER BY Active DESC, DisplayName ASC
I am not sure how to clip in my execution plan but the main bottle neck seems to be occurring on a MERGE JOIN (Right Outer Join) that's costing me 29%. At various stages, Parallelism is also costing 9%, 6%, 5% and 9% for a total of 29% as well.
My initial thoughts are to first return the JOINED results from the Profile and aspnet tables with a CTE and then do LEFT JOINS to the Friends table.