I'm trying to mock a method that has the equivalent of the following signature:
- (NSDictionary *) uploadValues:(BOOL)doSomething error:(NSError **)error
I want it to return a small dictionary so that my test can make sure the code uses the dictionary properly. however, no matter what i do OCMock always returns nil from the method, regardless of how i stub it out. The error begins as nil in the code i'm testing, and these are the different ways i've tried stubbing it:
NSError * error = nil;
[[[mock stub] andReturn:someDict] uploadValues:YES error:&error];
[[[mock stub] andReturn:someDict] uploadValues:YES error:nil];
[[[mock stub] andReturn:someDict] uploadValues:YES error:[OCMArg any]];
and none of them work. Does OCMock support handles as stubbed message arguments and if so, what's the correct way to do it?