In the application there is a default report the user see's listing all the calls for a certain phone. However, the user can select a date range to sort the list from. Doing that, everything works correctly, but when the user selects the date range and changes to the second page, the date-range is lost and it goes back to the default view for the second page.
In my controller, I'm checking to see if the date_range param is being passed in. If it isn't, I display the entire listing, if it is, I display the records in between the certain date range.
The problem is, when I click on a new page, the new parameter doesn't include the old date-range that it should.
How do I go about doing this, I was thinking of doing some class level variable test but that isn't working out the way I thought. And I'm pretty stuck.
I don't have the code right in front of me, but if I remember correctly it's something like this:
<% form for :date_range do |f| %>
<%= f.calendar_date_select :start %>
<%= f.calendar_date_select :end %>
<%= f.Submit %>
<% end %>
And in the controller, it's something like:
if params[:date_range] == nil
find the complete listings without a date range
find the listings that are within the date range