



IE 6+ is displaying the cursor as a text icon and not a mini-hand (pointer) as it should.

My Live Example show how if you hover over a tab (All/Fore Sale/...), in IE - it displays a text-cursor but Firefox/etc it displays correctly as a "pointer".

This is applied to the ul.tabbernav li a:hover CSS property.

Any idea why IE is not displaying the cursor as a pointer when you hover over the tabs on my page?

+4  A: 

Pointer should always be used, however for really old IE there's a solution at the bottom of this page:

Nissan Fan
I'm only concerned about having this working in IE 6 and above. I've linked to a live example in my original post now.
+1  A: 
cursor: pointer;

This works in IE 6+, Firefox & Chrome for me.

@presleyster, see my live example now in the updated original post. This does not work in IE for me.
+1  A: 

According to the site you referenced and my own testing

cursor: pointer

works in IE6-8, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

As the site indicates

By changing the value of the cursor declaration you can assign cursor styles to various HTML elements. Although in theory this is great functionality, it's very easy to confuse your users by defining inappropriate cursor styles. Please be very careful; in general the browser defaults work fine, and besides they're what the user expects.

Tread lightly.

@ahsteele, that's what's strange ... see my Live Example site in the original post. It doesn't appear to be working with IE 6+

.element {cursor: pointer; }


<!-- the following as an example -->
<!--[if lte ie7]>


.element {cursor: hand; }



Covers all the bases, with only IE (less-than, or equal-to) 7 picking up the latter conditionally-commented style rules (though I think IE6+ understands cursor: pointer, but I'm not sure).

David Thomas
IE6 onward support cursor: pointer. IE < 6 doesn't support conditional comments.
David Dorward
@ricebowl, I only care that if IE 6 and above display the mini-hand because it is a link. See my live example web site. I've included the link in my updated original post
Yeah, I forgot to write the, since edited-in, comment regarding it being only an example, and the parenthesis was unfinished. I rushed; ah well...more haste, less speed...
David Thomas
@David Dorward - Conditional comments were added in IE5. see

Use both. cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; or cursor: hand, pointer; Can't remember now which one worked fine for me when doing clickable tables...


Apparently there's a specific order to get it working cross-browser:

cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;

Just tested it in IE8, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.

I've tried both ways and it still doesn't display the "hand" in IE 6+. Very strange
Check out the edit.

I believe your not getting the pointer because a href isn't getting set on the for sale, for rent and apartments <a> tags. It works on the All tab where the href is set to javascript:void(null);


The problem lies with trying to link a div (you probably already know that) thus switching it to an a tag would remove the problem. Then have javascript catch the click and return false thus no page reload?

Also you really should pick up a js framework. Thats a lot of js that could be reduced using jQuery, mootools or whatever.


Adding the "cursor:pointer" to the 'ul.tabbernav li a' resolved the problem, per eulerfx advice

This is the solution but Stackoverflow is preventing me from accepting my own answer. @eulerfx, if you post this answer - I'll accept your answer to give you credit