In Excel, I want to be able to automatically break a cell into 2 or more cells if they contain a newline character (alt + Enter). How do I do this so that it'll divide the cell into new cells below that row?
Sub MakeTwoCellsForCellHavingLF()
Dim currentCellValue As String, LFFoundAt As Integer
currentCellValue = ActiveCell.Value
LFFoundAt = InStr(1, currentCellValue, vbLf)
If LFFoundAt <> 0 Then
ActiveCell.Value = Left(currentCellValue, LFFoundAt - 1)
ActiveCell.Offset(1).Value = Mid(currentCellValue, LFFoundAt + 1)
End If
End Sub
2009-08-18 06:30:10
Assume your data is in A1.
A2 should contain (Please excuse and delete the C-style comments.):
=FIND(CHAR(10),A1) // Location of CHAR(10), your newline.
ASCII 10 means newline. Hide Row 2.
A3 should contain:
NOT(ISERR(A2)), // Make sure there is a newline
LEFT(A1, A2-1), // Everything up to the newline
A1 // If there's no newline, original string
A4 should contain:
NOT(ISERR(A2)), // Make sure there is a newline
RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-A2), // Everything after the newline
"" // If there's no newline, nothing
2009-08-19 20:38:50