I have a problem with manager attribute in Sun Directory Server. I set this attribute for a user in the directory, e.g. cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com and when I change manager's dn this change is not propagated in manager attributes.
For example:
I have two users:
dn: cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com
dn: cn=testperson,dc=test,com
manager: cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com
Then I modify manager's dn to:
dn: cn=testmanagerchange,dc=test,dc=com
But manager attribute in cn=testperson,dc=test,com doesn't change is still equal to cn=testmanager,dc=test,dc=com. In Active Directory it works fine.
Exact definition of attribute:
Name: manager
OID: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.10
Aliases: -
Origin: RFC 1274
Description: Standard LDAP attribute type
Syntax: (DN)
Multivalued: Yes