I'd like to access NNTP servers, groups, and messages through PHP. Is there any existing class you'd recommend? Preferably PHP5 and good OOP.
It's not a class, but must php installs have the php-imap extension compiled in and you can do all you want with straight php calls.
You can see documentation starts here: http://us.php.net/manual/en/book.imap.php
Examples of opening a connection to an NNTP server can be found in the imap_open topic.
Like this:
// To connect to an group on an NNTP server on port 119 on the local server, use:
$nntp = imap_open ("{localhost:119/nntp}comp.test", "", "");
// To connect to a nonlocal server without specifying a group:
$server = "{news.servername.com/nntp:119}";
$nntp = imap_open($server,"","",OP_HALFOPEN);
Then you can just request the info that you want:
$headers = imap_headers($nntp);
$threads = imap_thread($nntp);
That's not exactly what you'd asked for, but I hope it helps.
Also not a class, and also not OOP, and also not PHP 5 specific, the code behind http://news.php.net is available here:
Wez Furlong
2009-08-19 02:57:29