For example I want to go to every coffee shop in my town that has WiFi and know what IP they are providing, so that later I could check anybody`s IP and know where is he. Is it possible to do so? What can be wrong with this approach, how can one trick me and show some other IP?
P.S. Just think it would be cool to have where are you service in every town :-).
A small update: I agree about privacy violation and so on. But I'm not going to wirte peoples IP and location if they do not want them to. Same with organizations. Only if one like to be marked in my IP DB I'll add him. So I think there's no privacy violation. and coffee shops can benefit from this, because when one writing about how tasty was their candies you know exactly if person really visited the coffee shop and could try them and how long ago that was. So it's like I was there 2 days ago, tried them, they are very tasty. and you believe he really was!