GetACoder is one of this freelancer job auction web sites.
And everytime im looking there i see ridiculous low prices.
I mean even a good programmer from india gets more then 500US$ per month and i found people bidding to "i need a clone of " at 1000$.
Am i such a bad and slow programmer that i don't think i can't do this carefully in two man months?
Does it makes sense to place higher bids on services like this? Since i'm an expat from Germany living in cheap 3rd world Thailand i'm willing to work for as low as 20 US$/hour (with 20 years of programming and knowledge of a dozend languages from ix86 assembler via Ruby, PHP and C++ to eiffel).
EDIT: i highlighted my question that maybe someone who ever tried to get jobs there might be able to answer. I know that people in china and india work for low money if they are absolute beginners in programming.