



I'm looking for a more simple text editor than TinyMCE for use with Rails, I find MCE editor, bloated, cumbersome, and problematic with many things.

+3  A: 

What do you find problematic with TinyMCE?

You can try on a lightweight toolbar setup. It's not lightweight but it doesn't have any serious editing and HTML formating issues.

specifically pasting code into it (I know, i know, MS Word has it's slew of hidden character that screw everything up, the problem is that we have copy writers that paste in what they have written) It also seems to love wrapping things in <p> tags.
Joseph Silvashy
That is good. Almost everything is supposed to be within `<p>`s
I don't think so, I don't think headings are paragraphs, nor are images.
Joseph Silvashy
@jpsilvashy there is a "paste from word" button on FCK. Do try it at . Then there is "remove format"
Headings are pasted as headings, if they are defined as headings in the word document. Images are inline elements in Strict HTML, so they need to be inside a block level element. A `p` is as good as any other element, maybe even better than `div`.

You have richedit, fckeditor (how could I forget about it!) and wysiwyg.js.

crap, I forgot about fckeditor!, but I feel like we choose TinyMCE for a reason... but I don't know what that reason is right now...
Joseph Silvashy
+1  A: 

I was actually just researching a few rich text editors that were simple for use in our application here at work.

We decided on Yahoo's YUI Editor: which is lightweight, easy to use for non techy people while maintaining enough flexibility to customize and extend.

Definitely far less hefty and button overload compared to fck or tiny mce.

The other one I was considering was: which is structured to output XHTML STRICT code which is nice.

So on the one hand was YUI which is from a large corp like Yahoo and the other is decently utilized by various applications and frameworks like Drupal, Mediawiki, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc.

I think both are solid selections, but went with YUI for the fact that we could easily use the rest of the YUI Library across other aspects and thus the YUI Editor was the perfect choice for us.

Not to mention out of the box Yahoo makes it easy to deploy either a simplified "Simple Editor" or regular "Editor" within minutes. On top of that you can load the code directly from either the Yahoo or Google CDN.
