



I have showing in Central Admin, which would seem to indicate that SP2 was installed. However, when I run an STSADM command to backup a site collection, I do not see the message informing me that it's "setting the site collection to be-read only for the duration of the backup" as described here:

I simply get the "Operation completed successfully" message I used to get pre-SP2. Does this mean that SP2 wasn't installed correctly?


Your version is correct for SP2; I wouldn't worry about the STSADM message appearing; it's a pretty inconsistent tool.

+3  A: 


Showing a build of 6421 does indeed indicate that SP2 is in-place. Just to make sure, I checked my own farm and VMs as well as a reliable external source (an entry from Todd Klindt's blog: I didn't doubt the build number, but it never hurts to confirm :-)

At first, I thought I understood where the issue might be, so I ran some tests. First, I ran an STSADM backup in catastrophic mode to backup my entire farm. Since this isn't a site collection backup, no locking should occur:

stsadm -o backup -directory \\ss-nas3\backups\test -backupmethod full

My catastrophic backup ran without issue, and I didn't receive any message about a lock or read-only behavior. I looked at my ULS logs, as well, and confirmed that no lock was being established (searching for "sitelock" and "lock"). This was as I expected, as I was doing a catastrophic backup -- not a site collection backup.

Next, I tried a site collection backup:

stsadm -o backup -url -filename \\ss-nas3\backups\test\SiteCollectionBackupTest.bak

Strangely enough, I didn't see a locking message here, either. I took a look at the ULS logs, and I saw nothing to indicate that a lock was put in place. Finally, I performed an

stsadm -o getsitelock ...

... while the backup was running and was greeted with this:

<SiteLock Lock="none" />

ARGH! That's not what I wanted (or expected) to see! Clearly, there was a problem ... so, I tried coming at it from a different angle. I took a look at the MSDN documentation for the STSADM -o backup command, and it clearly indicated that a lock should occur by default. It also indicated that the -nositelock switch should work to override the behavior. So, I tried adding -nositelock to my site collection backup command line.

Guess what: it choked on -nositelock with a command line error (invalid parameter).

Doing an STSADM -help backup indicated that -nositelock was not a valid switch for my environment. None of the new switches I expected (e.g., -nositelock and -force) were present. It's as if my production farm was stuck in pre-SP2 with regard to backups.

I decided to check a development VM I had that was also build 6421 (but different image -- amongst other things, Win2K8 instead of Win2K3 R2), I saw that the -nositelock was a valid command line option. So I checked another development VM that was also build 6421 (but Win2K3 R2 like my "regular farm"). -nositelock was a valid option there, too.

I had applied SP2 the same across all three environments when upgrading (WSSv3 SP2 bits, following by MOSS 2007 SP2 bits, followed by a run of the configuration wizard), so I wasn't sure what was going on.

For fun, I ran a site collection backup on each of the VMs that correctly displayed that -nositelock was a valid command line switch for site collection backups, and I was met with the locking message I didn't see earlier (and that you weren't seeing, either). Clearly, the SP2 updates were operating as I expected them to everywhere except my primary (production) farm.

I concluded I must have somehow done something wrong as part of upgrading my farm, so I tried re-running the WSSv3 SP2 update (first) and MOSS 2007 SP2 update (second) on each box. With each update on each box, I was told the that the update had already been applied. So, I dropped back and punted: I re-ran the configuration wizard to see if it would do anything. I then rebooted the two (virtual) boxes in the farm.

No change.

At this point, I can only confirm that you aren't losing your mind. Two of my all-in-one development VMs with SP2 build 6421 operate as expected, but my two-server/VM farm that is build 6421 that should be locking on site collection backup is not.

I think I'll probably follow up with a friend who is a Microsoft TAM. If I learn anything, I'll post it here and probably on my blog. In the meantime, you might want to follow up with Microsoft, as well. Clearly, something isn't working as expected.

For what it's worth!

Sean McDonough
Bouncing some Twitter messages back and forth with Todd Klindt, he indicated checking the version info on STSADM.exe. Checking my "bad" farm, I had a version of 6418.1000. My working VMs had versions of 6421.1000 (expected) and 6500.5000 (weird, but that's a different story ...). Anyway, check your STSADM.exe version. Right now, prevailing hypothesis is some form of botched install or laydown of files. No word on fixing it, but I'll probably start working that tomorrow.
Sean McDonough
Thanks for the input Sean, glad to know I wasn't imagining things! I'm going to be re-building this server and (w2K8 on VMWare VM) am waiting to see if the same thing happens again - I will also post any findings here :-)
Interesting, Anthony! Your finding highlights my primary concern with trying something like simply overwriting STSADM.exe. Such an overwrite addresses the executable, but not any backing dependencies (SP assemblies) that may also be of the wrong version. The fact that you can see *some* SP2-related commands/switches but not others tells me that the issue goes deeper. Our TAM here has been out, so I haven't been able to run the issue by him yet ... but I'm glad to hear that you were able to supply feedback via Connect. I'll continue to post anything I find/learn!
Sean McDonough
I just performed a full crawl on the destination server to which I had moved the content DB and got the following error in the crawl log:A runtime exception was detected. Details follow. Message: A duplicate site ID dc238e9b-41d0-4a1b-b3db-9eb03daf9e77(http://destinationserver) was found. This might be caused by restoring a content database from one server farm into a different server farm without first removing the original database and then running stsadm -o preparetomove. Looks like profiles are out of synch indicating that SP2 is not doing what it is supposed to do?
It certainly sounds like STSADM.exe isn't the only file that didn't get updated ...
Sean McDonough
Gonna attempt to re-install SP2 on spare server, wonder if that would work? Failing that, going to call Microsoft... I could re-build the servers and if I got the correct build number next time, just cross my fingers. But I honestly wouldn't rest easy doing it like that...
Update: didn't re-apply SP2. Worked with MSDN Support to re-synch the databases and installed June Updates. Everything worked fine after that. Here are the steps:Stsadm –o sync –listolddatabases 30 , if you see any old guid’s then run below commandStsadm –o sync –deleteolddatabases 0Stsadm –o execsvcadmjobs.Installing the June Updates seemed to fix everything, but I am still not satisfied as to the original cause of the problem. Feeling a blog post coming on! :-)
So, the June CU's took care of updating all of the associated binaries without issue? Regardless, glad to hear that things are back in working order for you. I'll be doing a farm rebuild soon (trying to get infrastructure ready for 2010), so I'm going to sit tight until then. Thanks for sharing your findings, Anthony!
Sean McDonough
No prob. Note that it was normal to have a different build number for the STSADM compared to the SharePoint install version. At least that's what he said :-)
+2  A: 

There is a list of SharePoint Versions maintained by the SharePoint community here:

Jeremy Thake
Amazing set of resources, thanks Jeremy!