




here's my getter:

public function __get($field)
     if ($field == 'userId'):
      return $this->uid;
      return $this->fields[$field];

here's my constructor

public function __construct()
     $this->uid = null;
     $this->fields = array(
      'username' => '',
      'password' => '',
      'firstname' => '',
      'lastname' => '',
      'email' => '',
      'is_active' => false
      $this->session = Session::Instance();
      $this->profiler = new Profiler();
      $this->encrypt = new Encrypt();

everytime i access this function:

private function handle_pass($password, $username=null, $encrypt=true)
     if ($encrypt) :
      return $this->encrypt->encode($password);
      $query = ORM::factory('user');
      $result = $query
       ->where('username', $username)
      $compare_pass = $this->encrypt->decode($password);
      return ($compare_pass === $result->password);

i get this error

application/libraries/User.php: Undefined index: encrypt // this is the error message
application/libraries/User.php:User->__get( encrypt ) // this is the last method executed
+1  A: 

Is encrypt defined as a public variable in the class? If not, the logic of your __get() function demands that it be read from $this->fields['encrypt'], which is never set, and is what's producing that error.

let's say I have an encrypt class I want to call from this class. How do I do that? I have tried $this->encrypt = new Encrypt but I guess the class interprets it as one of ist attributes.
Let's be clear: the `Encrypt` *class* is irrelevant here. The problem is the `encrypt` (correctly lowercase) instance variable. You must declare that property as either `public $encrypt;` or `protected $encrypt;` (depending on what visibility you want it to have).
$this->encrypt = new Encrypt() is perfectly valid. The encrypt property should be an instance of Encrypt.
Mike B
Of course it's perfectly valid; I've made no claim to the contrary. The property should still be declared as either `public` or `private`.

Use get_object_vars on the object before attempting to access the encrypt property to see if it really exists. Something else could be going on.



After looking at your code. The get() method should never be called since it is only invoked when a referenced property is inaccessible. Are you declaring $encrypt as private? Are you declaring it at all? What makes you think get() should be invoked? (Formatter goes crazy when I try to put underscores infront of get() with a link).

class myClass()
  public $encrypt;

  public function __construct() 
    $this->encrypt = new Encrypt();

  public function __get($property)
    return $this->$property;

  public function handle_pass()
    // Since $encrypt is public, __get() will not be invoked
Mike B
will do...but first i'll try adding the encryt class instantiation in the __get magic method...hope it works