I'm just curious as to what other developers do to make the best of a sub-optimal situation. I'm currently contracting on a project where there is lots of room for improvement particularly when it comes to cut and pasted code. However I'm a mere developer, and although I've approached both the project lead, and the manager himself, with a number of ideas for improvements, I've also gotten the speech about consistency.
So I've tried, and my contract may be coming to an end in a week or so, so I'm not going to grapple with it anymore.
However, when I was given a typical cut-and-paste assignment yesterday, I decided to do as much as possible using sed. And so the way I've made lemonade out of the lemons of cutting and pasting, is to improve my sed abilities.
So I'm wondering what other developers do in these types of situations? I even had another one about 1.0-1.5 years ago, developing on a (Linux) embedded device that Perl wasn't deployed on. So I made the best of it and really improved my awk skills.
PS....would like some help coming up with better tags for this question