



This is a rather useless assertion error; it does not tell the values of the expression involved (assume constants used are actually variable names):

$ python -c "assert 6-(3*2)"

Is there a better assert implementation in Python that is more fancy? It must not introduce additional overhead over execution (except when assert fails) .. and must turn off if -O flag is used.

Edit: I know about assert's second argument as a string. I don't want to write one .. as that is encoded in the expression that is being asserted. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

+5  A: 

You can attach a message to an assert:

assert 6-(3*2), "always fails"

The message can also be built dynamically:

assert x != 0, "x is not equal to zero (%d)" % x

See The assert statement in the Python documentation for more information.

Greg Hewgill
Of course, I knew this. I don't want to write one as that is encoded in the expression that is being asserted. DRY.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
I see what you mean. I don't believe Python has a way to do this.
Greg Hewgill
+1  A: 

Add a message to your assertion, which will be displayed if the assertion fails:

$ python -c "assert 6-(3*2), '6-(3*2)'"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
AssertionError: 6-(3*2)

The only way I can think of to provide this automatically would be to contain the assertion in a procedure call, and then inspect the stack to get the source code for that line. The additional call would, unfortunately, introduce overhead into the test and would not be disabled with -O.

John Millikin
Precisely. It is disabling this 'introspection' on -O that is the key to the question.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
.. BUT this is not an overhead if this function is called only during assertion errors (not assertion calls).
Sridhar Ratnakumar
+3  A: 

The nose testing suite applies introspection to asserts.

However, AFAICT, you have to call their asserts to get the introspection:

import nose
def test1():, 5+2)

results in

C:\temp\py>C:\Python26\Scripts\nosetests.exe -d
FAIL: test.test1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\nose-0.11.1-py2.6.egg\nose\", line
183, in runTest
  File "C:\temp\py\", line 3, in test1, 5+2)
AssertionError: 6 != 7
>>  raise self.failureException, \
          (None or '%r != %r' % (6, 7))

Notice the AssertionError there. When my line was just assert 6 == 5+2, I would get:

C:\temp\py>C:\Python26\Scripts\nosetests.exe -d
FAIL: test.test1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\nose-0.11.1-py2.6.egg\nose\", line
183, in runTest
  File "C:\temp\py\", line 2, in test1
    assert 6 == 5 + 2
>>  assert 6 == 5 + 2

Also, I'm not sure offhand if their asserts are skipped with -O, but that would be a very quick check.

Mark Rushakoff
Good enough for test cases, but for production code .. there is function call overhead (even with -O option)
Sridhar Ratnakumar
Ordinary asserts work too. See
J.F. Sebastian
+2  A: 

As @Mark Rushakoff said nose can evaluate failed asserts. It works on the standard assert too.

def test():
    a,b,c = 6, 2, 3
    assert a - b*c

nosetests' help:

$ nosetests --help|grep -B2 assert
  -d, --detailed-errors, --failure-detail
                        Add detail to error output by attempting to evaluate
                        failed asserts [NOSE_DETAILED_ERRORS]


$ nosetests -d
FAIL: test_error_reporting.test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "..snip../site-packages/nose/", line 183, in runTest
  File "..snip../", line 3, in test
    assert a - b*c
    6,2,3 = 6, 2, 3
>>  assert 6 - 2*3

Ran 1 test in 0.089s

FAILED (failures=1)
J.F. Sebastian
The question is regarding the use of assert in application code (which is directly invoked by the user, for eg., ./ .. or clicking on 'foo.pyw' on Windows Explorer), and not test code .. for which I am actually happy with py.test's assert output.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
@srid: In this case write: `__debug__ and your_fancy_assert(expression)` -- no overhead on '-O'.
J.F. Sebastian
That's sounds interesting; too bad Python doesn't have a `macro` feature.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
+7  A: 

Install your of function as sys.excepthook -- see the docs. Your function, if the second argument is AssertionError, can introspect to your heart's contents; in particular, through the third argument, the traceback, it can get the frame and exact spot in which the assert failed, getting the failing exception through the source or bytecode, the value of all relevant variables, etc. Module inspect helps.

Doing it in full generality is quite a piece of work, but depending on what constraints you're willing to accept in how you write your asserts it can be lightened substantially (e.g. restricting them to only local or global variables makes introspection easier than if nonlocal variables of a closure could be involved, and so forth).

Alex Martelli
Good. Now is there a Python library for this .. or do I have to write my own? :-) (I probably won't .. as this is a low-prio task for me)
Sridhar Ratnakumar
Unfortunately I don't know of existing Python libraries doing all of this, except ones oriented to testing (which might have to be adapted for the purpose of using them on production code).
Alex Martelli
+1  A: 

It sounds like what you really want to do is to set up a debugger breakpoint just before the assert and inspect from your favorite debugger as much as you like.

ilya n.