




i am looking for obfuscator tool to secure the assembly. and i need to do reverse enginnering on that obfuscated assembly to invoke methods. right now i tried with dotfuscator tool which is integrated with VS 2005,2008. and i follow following steps. 1. Make obfuscated assembly using GUI tool. 2. Import in reflector. 3. i am able to see converted methods and variable name in reflector. 4. After that i try out to access methods using converted name and its working fine.

i need to secure assembly even user can see method name using reflector but developer can do re-engineering on opfuscated assembly.

Is there any tool available to make secure assembly ???

and i want to run obfuscator tool from command line witout opening GUI application.


Check the Command Line Option Summary in the PreEmptive Dotfuscator Documentation.
