I'm having problems testing this scenario.
An invoice has two states - finished and unfinished - and I want to test that the method Presenter.FinishInvoice() calls DAO.FinishInvoice() then calls DAO.GetInvoice() and then sets View.Invoice with the result. The problem is that I need to call DAO.GetInvoice() to get an invoice to finish in the first place and this is called from Presenter.InitializeView() (tested in another test).
Here is my test:
using (mocks.Record())
using (mocks.Playback())
Presenter presenter = new Presenter(view, DAO);
DAO.GetInvoice() will be called and View.Invoice set once when InitializeView() is called. It's not part of the test but FinishInvoice() will fail if I don't set View.Invoice to an unfinished invoice so the return value needs to be set.
The second call to DAO.GetInvoice() is called from FinishInvoice() and is part of the test.
If I run this test I get a fail on DAO.GetInvoice(1); Expected #1, Actual #0. I've stepped through the code and it does call DAO.GetInvoice() when FinishInvoice() is called so it must be my test code that is faulty, not my presenter code.
If I change:
it works but that shouldn't be part of the test as it is just needed for set up (but can't be put in the SetUp method as it's not required for all tests)
I suppose that it's not a disaster that I need to do it with Expect.Call() but I'd like to learn how to set it up how I want it to be.