



Hi folks,

consider the following situation:

There is an ASP.NET MVC application which utilizes ELMAH for centralized ExceptionLogging. A Controller is marked with the HandlerError Attribute to catch a specific type of an exception and presents the user with a view. For example

[HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(ModelSpecificException), View = "Exceptions/ModelSpecific")]
public partial class HeavyController : Controller
  // Constructors and ActionResults are following here...

This is working as expected so far. The problem I am facing right now is, that the "ModelSpecific" error page is needing some Objects within the ViewData. Does anyone has a hint on populating the ViewData Dictionary of a ViewPage of following Type


Another idea which comes to my my mind is, that maybe a Controller could be used for the ErrorHandling with respective ActionResults. But currently I don't have a clue on how to accomplish that.

Any help is very appreciated...

best regards,



Since both your exception class and the view are model specific, could you store the extra data you need in the exception itself?

    throw new ModelSpecificException("a bad thing happened", extraData);

In your view you can get the exception via Server.GetLastError() and then cast it to the correct type to access the extra data via properties. This might be a cleaner approach since it treats the exception as the model and keeps you out of the ViewData collection.

Matthew Daugherty