



Originally the question was "How do I configure WinMerge as the compare and merge tool for TFS". However, I am changing it because TehOne answered this more general form of the question.

I would have though this would have been asked already on Stackoverflow. I found the answer elsewhere, but I am asking/answering here. It's now a community wiki.

+1  A: 

The long procedure is provided in a Rory Primrose blog posting

The short answer is the argument list for compare is:

/x /e /ub /wl /dl %6 /dr %7 %1 %2

and the argument list for merge is:

/x /e /ub /wl /dl %6 /dr %7 %1 %2 %4

Sometimes Winmerge does not return 0 and TFS will think the merge was canceled. You need to use the following wrapper batch file for merging:

@rem winmergeFromTFS.bat
@rem 2007-08-01
@rem File created by Paul Oliver to get Winmerge to play nicely with TFS
@rem To use, tell TFS to use this command as the merge command
@rem And then set this as your arguments:
@rem  %6 %7 %1 %2 %4
"C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMerge.exe" /x /e /ub /wl /dl %1 /dr %2 %3 %4 %5
exit 0

And then you set the argument list to:

%6 %7 %1 %2 %

exit 0

Justin Dearing
+6  A: 

When I was looking for how to do this, I found this post to be invaluable:

Your answer made me change the question and make it a community wiki.
Justin Dearing
Glad I could be of help, but the real credit of course goes to James Manning for that blog post of his. It really helped me out. I can't stand the built in tools of VSS/TFS. So, being able to use my already installed Beyond Compare is great.Thanks for making this a wiki for everyone to refer back to later.