Can someone help me to convert from SQL Query to LINQ VB.NET:
select rls.* from Roles rls(nolock)
where not in (
select r.ID from usersRole ur (nolock)
inner join Roles r(nolock) on ur.RoleID = r.ID
where user_id = 'NY1772')
Can someone help me to convert from SQL Query to LINQ VB.NET:
select rls.* from Roles rls(nolock)
where not in (
select r.ID from usersRole ur (nolock)
inner join Roles r(nolock) on ur.RoleID = r.ID
where user_id = 'NY1772')
i find my own answer...
'construct a where ID list
Dim lstRoleIDs = From ur In ctx.UsersRoles _
Join rl In ctx.Roles _
On ur.RoleID Equals rl.ID _
Where ur.User_ID = UserId _
Select rl.ID
Dim newQ = (From r In ctx.Roles _
Where Not lstRoleIDs.Contains( _
r.ID) _
Select New UserRoleList With {.ID = r.ID, .PermDesc = r.ID & " - " & r.Permission & " - " & r.PermissionDescription})
If you want to preserve the (NOLOCK) hints, I have blogged a handy solution using extension methods in C#. Note that this is the same as adding nolock hints to every table in the query.