




I have always used a text-editor for my web-projects, but as they get more complicated, some kind of help is pretty much necessary. I need something that will do the following:

  • run on linux
  • be as close to just a text-editor as possible (I use gedit for everything)
  • keep track of object attributes, possibly standardizing the order (i.e. type, id, class, etc)
  • keep track of object relations (i.e. which label goes with which input, etc)
  • tell me if i do something like re-use an "id" by accident
  • work with php

ideally, I'd like this program to be free, but that's probably not gonna happen... Anyone know of a good option?

UPDATE: Thank you all for your suggestions! There are a lot to choose from, and many of them look excellent. As for marking a solution as the accepted one, I'm rather at a loss of which one to pick... Thanks again for everyone's help :)

UPDATE2: Do any/all of these integrate nicely with jQuery?



  • Free
  • Runs on linux, windows, mac
  • Supports SCM

Alternately, Aptana is a build of Eclipse with a focus on web development.

The only place these tools don't meet your requirements is that they can be quite large.

Also, I don't know of anything, large or small, that warns you of attribute reuse andkeeps track of attributes and relations.

Nice, but I think he's looking for something much more compact. Eclipse is quite a monster just for editing html (imo).

Check out Bluefish,


I haven't used it personally, but as far as HTML editors go for linux, it is the only one that comes to mind.

+1  A: 

Scratch "be as close to just a text-editor as possible (I use gedit for everything)" and I'd recommend Aptana Studio in a heart-beat. Does pretty much most of the things you require and is built on top of Eclipse. Downside - a bit bulky and large JS files (in my case 2000+ loc) degrade performance.


Darn, your post showed up the instance I posted mine :-)
Bulky and Large -- If something is smaller, or doesn't require bells and whistles, gedit has great code-completion (shortcuts), and syntax hilighting, etc. I use aptana or gedit. More-so gedit, but aptana is nice for javascript, php, and rails because it finds quite a few blantant errors, but at the expense of speed.
+4  A: 

There's a higher learning curve than most editors, but vim and the taglist plugin:



After a few months of using you'll be far more efficient at editing text due to the sheer number of combinations/shortcuts in vim, it's just so powerful and can easily be extended by custom plugins that even you could make yourself.

+1 for vim! Gvim if you are reliant on your mouse.
Mouse works in console vim, too, even inside a screen over SSH.
Vim is intimidating, but if you commit to it for a solid month, and plan on learning at least one new command each time you have memorized and used another, you'll be SO happy.Also, GVim *is* nice, but (for me) it's because of better colorscheme support.
I tried switching to vim, but the thing I couldn't live with was the inability to copy and paste from GVim to another application. Vim seems to have it's own copy+paste system that doesn't work with the OS
Not true at all. GVim is completely capable of using the OS clipboard for copy/paste (and the `Edit/Copy` and `Edit/Paste` menu entries do exactly that). Regular Vim can, too, if compiled with the right options.
You *may* have to enter visual mode to select text with the mouse before copy/paste, but usually, the windows version of (g)vim supports copy/paste out of the box. just use ctrl-c, not 'yy' when you copy.
"+y and "+p are fine for external copying/pasting.

Bluefish. Free, but might not cover all of your requirements.

Lior Cohen
+6  A: 

Since Eclipse was already mentioned and even though this might be to large for what you are looking for...

Aptana Studio (based on Eclipse) is specialized on web development and has some really nice features. Comes as stand-alone or eclipse plug-in.


Take a look at Activestate's Komodo Edit 5.1. Here is the featurelist

EDIT: I almost forgot jEdit

I use Komodo Edit on Windows, mainly for HTML editing. It's a very good Editor/IDE.
i use it on windows and ubuntu..works like a charm

there are many HTML editors, but I don't like them...

phpDesigner is a good choice for you!

instead, I use Notepad++ =D

notepad++ on linux??
I suppose that's why he added a smiley ;)
+2  A: 

Netbeans - has auto complete as well. And it comes with with add-ons for PHP. It's completely free.


+1  A: 

I use geany a lot. low footprint compared the java editor ;)

+2  A: 

Geany. Super lightweight, meets many of your requirements and feels like text editor first and foremost.

+1  A: 

Notepad++ is completely open-source and free. It is compiled to run on multiple operating systems. It is extremely light-weight compared to other editors, which makes it faster and more powerful for slower computers. I does syntax highlighting for many supported languages, and allows highlighting of variable/element names. It is what I use and I highly recommend it.


It also includes auto-completion (ctrl + space). I have never heard of someone using np++ on another system than windows, would be nice to hear if someone can use it on linux.
+1  A: 

I recommend you NetBeans.. its free. it is available for all platforms, and mostly it is good for editing php, jsp, java, css, html, ...

believe me, i'm using it for php development and its the best suited ide i can find...


I would like to recommend jEdit.


Rapid Webpage Creator - works like the online editor at w3schools.com

  • HTML, CSS and Javascript editor
  • Preview at the same time
  • Runs within IE offline
Roger Gajraj