Hi all,
My problem is illustrated in the sample code provided at the end. Basically, i have a div container containing some tools at the left, and the main content in the middle, and some tools at the right (The visual left tool is to provide dragging and the visual right tool is to delete the content). I achieved the positing by floating left and right respectively, however, if i put background color on the main content, the coloring spills over to the stuff floating on the left but not on right (currently only tested in firefox 3.5)
Code below:
<style type="text/css">
<div id="container">
<div class="c"><p class="handle">HH</p><p class="delete">X</p><p class="main">Some text here asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asd fasd fsa dfsa df asdf sadf sa dfa sdf sadf asd fsa df sadf asdf asdf asd fas df asdf as asd fasd fas dfa sdf asdf as dfas df dasf asd fas df asdf asdf asd fasd fasdf asdf asdf asdf as df asdf asdf asd fas df asdpf asdf asdf asd fas dfa sdf asdf asd fas df</p></div>
<div class="c"><p class="handle">HH</p><p class="delete">X</p><p class="main">Some text here asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asd fasd fsa dfsa df asdf sadf sa dfa sdf sadf asd fsa df sadf asdf asdf asd fas df asdf as </p></div>