I am using openjs.com's shortcut handling (1) to disable the enter key in my html forms. However, inside of textareas in those forms I want enter key to emit the normal CR-LF pair (because that's what users expect).
At the moment assuming I have a form/input structure as follows:
<form id="f1">
<textarea id="f2"> ...
The following scripts are run:
shortcut.add('Return', function () { /*empty*/ },
{ 'type':'keydown', 'disable_in_input':false,'propagate':true,
This effectively disables the enter key.
I have tried using the following code to re-enable it for the textarea:
shortcut.add(\"Enter\", function() { }, {'type':'keydown','propagate':false,
'disable_in_input':false, 'target':document.getElementById('f2') } );
But that does not work. What is the order of propagation of this event? Should it bubble up from the textarea or bubble down from the form element?