




Sorry if that description isn't clear...wasn't sure how else to put it.

I have a custom membership registration form that I've created. It posts to a controller action in which I use model binding to populate a "User" object. The form has a "Password" field and a "ConfirmPassword" field. The Password field binds to the User object when binding occurs, but the ConfirmPassword doesn't. So, in my controller action, when I validate that Password and ConfirmPasswords match, I check to ensure that user.Password and Request.Form["ConfirmPassword"] are equal. Everything is working fine, until I get to the unit test.

I'm able to pass a User object into the controller action as a parameter for testing...but Request.Form["ConfirmPassword"] doesn't exist in the test context. How can I provide a Request.Form object to the test to use for testing purposes?

+2  A: 

I did a quick search for the answer, and came up with this link - it purports to have solutions for both Moq and Rhino Mocks. They're using ASP.NET MVC, so it may not be pertinent to your solution, but I'll pass it on.


Thanks very much. I feel kinda silly now. Not sure why I didn't think of that for myself. Just mock the Form collection on the Request context. That was the nudge in the right direction that I needed. Thanks again.
Bob Yexley