I am of the understanding that this can't be done but opted for a public method that would do the specific work I need without exposing my control and keeping it private. So exposing specific properties of a control that I want access to for simple dsicrete set and get operations is fine by me via a public property is also fine.
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728852/unable-to-access-winforms-control-in-a-class
"Also, make sure that your controls are public, or better add public methods to your form that can be used to manipulate the controls indirectly."
The above quote doesn't make much sense to me ... If I can't see the target classes controls and members from within another winform class that is my calling class then I am completely stuck trying to understand what is going wrong ??? = (
Either approach has been fruitless .... my targetted control is private, my exposed property is public and my exposed method is also public .... what am I doing wrong ???? Threads wasn't as hard as this ... "?:"@#$%!!!
*** PLEASE be as through as possible incase I am being an idiot !!!