



I'm using kind of a hybrid of Chris Hanson's excellent Xcode unit testing guide.

My program is a (command-line) application (which precludes using the executable itself to run the tests), but I need to be able to debug my unit tests.

So what I have is as follows:

Create test bundle and tests. Create new test target, set bundle loader and test host. Add main target as direct dependency for test target. Create new custom executable otest. Add -SenTest self, MyTestBundle.octest, arguments. Add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH variables in environment.

My issue is that when I now try to debug a test by running the executable, the classes referenced by the tests are not available. For instance if I write a test for class Foo, as soon as I instantiate Foo in my test I get a bad access exception.

If I add Foo.m to the test target this goes away, but I'd rather not have to add every class I want to test to the test taget as well as the application target.

I assume I just need to add a variable of some sort telling otest where to find the classes in my main executable, but I don't know what the name of this argument would be.

Can somebody point me in the right direction for fixing this?


On second thought, would the XCInjectBundle and XCInjectBundleInto variables help? They are described in Apple's Automated Unit Testing with Xcode 3 and Objective-C

XCInjectBundle: Unit Tests.octest


Elise van Looij