




How can we lock an IO that has been shared by multiple ruby process?

Consider this script:

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et
if ARGV.length != 2
  $stderr.puts "Usage: test-io-fork.rb num_child num_iteration"
  exit 1
CHILD = ARGV[0].to_i

def now
  t = Time.now

MAP = %w(nol satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh delapan sembilan)

IO.popen('-', 'w') {|pipe|
  unless pipe
    # Logger child
    File.open('test-io-fork.log', 'w') {|log|
      log.puts "#{now} Program start"
      $stdin.each {|line|
        log.puts "#{now} #{line}"
      log.puts "#{now} Program end"
  pipe.sync = true
  pipe.puts "Before fork"
  CHILD.times {|c|
    fork {
      pid = Process.pid
      ITERATION.times {|i|
        n = rand(9)
        sleep(n / 100000.0)
        pipe.puts "##{c}:#{i} #{MAP[n]} => #{n}, #{n} => #{MAP[n]} ##{c}:#{i}"


And try it like this:

./test-io-fork.rb 200 50

Like expected, the test-io-fork.log files would contains sign of IO race condition.

What I want to achieve is to make a TCP server for custom GPS protocol that will save the GPS points to database. Because this server would handle 1000 concurrent clients, I would like to restrict database connection to only one child instead opening 1000 database connection simultaneously. This server would run on linux.

+2  A: 


It may be bad form to update after the answer was accepted, but the original is a bit misleading. Whether or not ruby makes a separate write(2) call for the automatically-appended newline is dependent upon the buffering state of the output IO object.

$stdout (when connected to a tty) is generally line-buffered, so the effect of a puts() -- given reasonably sized string -- with implicitly added newline is a single call to write(2). Not so, however, with IO.pipe and $stderr, as the OP discovered.


Change your chief pipe.puts() argument to be a newline terminated string:

pipe.puts "##{c} ... #{i}\n"  # <-- note the newline

Why? You set pipe.sync hoping that the pipe writes would be atomic and non-interleaved, since they are (presumably) less than PIPE_BUF bytes. But it didn't work, because ruby's pipe puts() implementation makes a separate call to write(2) to append the trailing newline, and that's why your writes are sometimes interleaved where you expected a newline.

Here's a corroborating excerpt from a fork-following strace of your script:

$ strace -s 2048 -fe trace=write ./so-1326067.rb
4574  write(4, "#0:12 tiga => 3, 3 => tiga #0:12", 32) = 32
4574  write(4, "\n", 1)

But putting in your own newline solves the problem, making sure that your entire record is transmitted in one syscall:

5190  write(4, "#194:41 tujuh => 7, 7 => tujuh #194:41\n", 39 <unfinished ...>
5179  write(4, "#183:38 enam => 6, 6 => enam #183:38\n", 37 <unfinished ...>

If for some reason that cannot work for you, you'll have to coordinate an interprocess mutex (like File.flock()).
