



Hi Im looking for yours best practices for using Google Docs to scrum management. I found many entries on blogs about using Google Docs to serving sprint log, burndown chart etc. but is very difficult get value example of this "Docs". Please share Yours best Google Doc for Scrum.


Why would you use Google Docs doing Scrum? There are many good tools on the market which are specialized supporting Scrum like e.g. the open source tool Agilo for Scrum . It helps not only doing Scrum and supporting each role but it integrates also SVN and eclipse.

Maybe because a spreadsheet is one of the best tool (easy to use, powerful, efficient, etc) to get started with Scrum and because Google Docs is an easy way to share a spreadsheet if you need to.
Pascal Thivent
+4  A: 

Please find below some Google Docs templates (I won't mention excel templates here):

  1. A simple example (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Burndown Charts) provided by Pyxis.
  2. A sample sheet (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown Charts, Impediments backlog) provided by Openbravo - and some more sheets at the end of this page.
  3. A basic Scrum template including a product backlog and sprint backlogs.
  4. A Scrum template inspired from Bas Vodde (see this blog post).
  5. A very simple starting-point for a scrum product backlog.

I especially like the sheets #4 (I've already used the Excel version) and #2.

Pascal Thivent
+1  A: 

Manifesto for Agile Software Development's first rule is Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Tools must be simple as possibly, this is the why, i think.

While that may be (ok, *is*) the case, Scrum is explicitly a process (for achieving highly visible interactions between individuals). Scrum also lays out a set of (barely defined) tools to use to facilitate this process. Regardless- my best experiences have been those that minimized the amount of Tool between the Individuals, since too much Tool can lead to too little Interaction. Too little Tool, on the other hand, can lead to anarchy and the Interaction becomes about LOLcats rather than the product.

I think 'over tools' is a little more ideal (less pragmatic). If a you think a bout a scrum team(or a team of teams) of a any decent size, you don't want to have to spend a good portion of your time creating/sharing/updating and even worse, synchronizing your information. In my experience, if anything is difficult to do, it is not done by developers.

I think I love the idea behind scrum, I am just looking to find a good candidate tool that helps me use it. Good luck to all.
