



I've got a really nasty problem...

I wrote a Red5 app and so on and it is running perfectly on my local computer. Now the problem occurs =>

How can I make this program work on a remote server?

Local : Mac OS X 10.5 - Red5 0.63 
Server: CentOS 5 - Red5 0.90

Maybe it's because of the version difference. But I can't test Red5 0.90 locally because it won't start up and I can't install the 0.63 version on the server because of missing dependencies (and broken links to them...)


Two thoughts:

  • Without error messages, code, a description of your application, etc. we can't really help.
  • Red5 has been in very active development over the years, and each tiny version change is significant. I would suggest figuring out how to get Red5 0.9 running on your local machine would be your first priority.
Stu Thompson

I solved it...

The XML files have totally changed in the last versions :D and I got a little bug in my program :P


The primary change was in the web.xml, comparing your applications web.xml to one of the 0.9 demos will show you the differences.
