




I have a problem with a function I have written in php. As you can see the function uses itself to return an array of the values.

    public function getRepeat($day = "array")
 if ($day == 'array')
 {//Return an array with the repeated days as values
  foreach (array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) as $value) 
   if ($this->getRepeat($value))
    $returnArray[] = $value;
  return $returnArray;
 else if (in_array($day, array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) ))
  if ($day == 1)
   return $this->repeat1;
  if ($day == 2)
   return $this->repeat2;
  if ($day == 3)
   return $this->repeat3;
  if ($day == 4)
   return $this->repeat4;
  if ($day == 5)
   return $this->repeat5;
  if ($day == 6)
   return $this->repeat6;
  if ($day == 0)
   return $this->repeat0;

As soon as it calls itself to get each of the variables it turns into an endless loop.

What causes this?

+5  A: 

You must always think of writing a recursive function in two parts:

  1. The base case - at which point do you stop recursing and return a value (i.e. is the list empty)
  2. The recursive case - how do you call a function again and how does the input differ from the previous call (i.e. do you send the tail of the list)

Ensuring that these two rules hold should result in a recursive function that terminates given that the input is valid.

Here's a recursive solution - however it's in Java :)

    public static void main(String[] args) {

 List<Integer> testVals = new ArrayList<Integer>();

 List<Integer> toMatch = new ArrayList<Integer>(testVals);

 List<Integer> matches = new ArrayList<Integer>();

 repeatRec(testVals, matches, toMatch);

 System.out.println("Matches " + matches);

public static void repeatRec(List<Integer> toTest, List<Integer> matches, List<Integer> toMatch) {

 if (toTest.isEmpty()) {
  //we are done
 } else {

  Integer head = toTest.get(0);

  if (toMatch.contains(head)) {


  //could have else here if we're only interested in the first match
  repeatRec(toTest.subList(1, toTest.size()), matches, toMatch);

Can I suggest that perhaps a better solution is:

public function getRepeat($day = "array")
    foreach (array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) as $value) 
        $tmp = "repeat".$value;
        if ($this->$tmp)
            $returnArray[] = $value;
    return $returnArray;

As to why your function isn't ending, I'm not sure. Normally I'd do what you're trying with two seperate function calls though, like:

public function getRepeat()
                foreach (array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) as $value) 
                        if ($this->getRepeat_r($value))
                                $returnArray[] = $value;
                return $returnArray;
private function getRepeat_r($day)
        if (in_array($day, array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) ))
                if ($day == 1)
                        return $this->repeat1;
                if ($day == 2)
                        return $this->repeat2;
                if ($day == 3)
                        return $this->repeat3;
                if ($day == 4)
                        return $this->repeat4;
                if ($day == 5)
                        return $this->repeat5;
                if ($day == 6)
                        return $this->repeat6;
                if ($day == 0)
                        return $this->repeat0;

This makes things easier to read, and more stable besides, just incase PHP interprets something as "array" when it shouldn't.

Matthew Scharley
Infact, this is clearly not a recursive function when called like this, unless repeat1/etc call it, in which case, we really need to see that code.
Matthew Scharley
It's not recursive
Your first example will not work when you request the string reply for a single day. The second example will also require a rewrite of calling code for single days, which is ok except for the function name with _r appended is not descriptive.
PHP has many functions with `_r` appended meaning recursive. Also, my first example is exactly the same as the OP's, except far less verbose.
Matthew Scharley
s/many/several/. Whatever.
Matthew Scharley
In your first example you can not specify a single day. You will only ge the array. In you second example the function with _r in the name is not recursive.
+3  A: 

Its simple really, when you think about it.

0 == 'any text which does not start with a number'

Your last digit 0 will cause an endless loop. So you need to change it to

if ($day === 'array')


I also took the liberty to fix up your code:

 * @obsolete
public function getRepeat($day = "array")
 if ($day === 'array') {
     return $this->getAllRepeat();
 return $this->getRepeatByDay($day);


public function __construct()
 $this->repeat = array_fill(0, 7, '');

public function getAllRepeat()
 return $this->repeat;

public function __get($value) {
 switch ($value) {
  case 'repeat0':
  case 'repeat1':
  case 'repeat2':
  case 'repeat3':
  case 'repeat4':
  case 'repeat5':
  case 'repeat6':
   return $this->getRepeatByDay(intval(substr($value, -1, 1)));

public function getRepeatByDay($day)
 if (!isset($this->repeat[$day])) {
  return null;
 return $this->repeat[$day];
Wow, that's an icky "feature". +1 for OIS, -1 for PHP
Wim Coenen