



I am using ColdFusion for for a project and I have a written a query which I think can be faster using a Stored Proc, but I not a T-SQL person, so I am not sure how to do it to compare.

I am running an initial query which selects a number of fields from a table based on a dynamically built cfquery. I think I know how to convert this query into the MS SQL store proc. However, directly after that, I then take all of the primary key IDs from that query and run another query against a separate table that "locks" records with those IDs. The lock is a bit field (a flag) in the second table that tells the system that this record is "checked out". I have wrapped both queries in a cftransaction so that they execute as a unit.

Code Overview:

   <cfquery name="selectQuery">
      SELECT id, field2, field3
      FROM table1
      WHERE (bunch of conditions here)

   <cfquery name="updateQuery">
      UPDATE table2
      SET lockField = 1
      WHERE IN (#ValueList(

I then return the selectQuery resultset to my app which uses it for outputing some data. How would I accomplish the same thing in a single MS SQL 2008 StoredProc that I could call using cfstoredproc? Again, I am thinking that the native CF way (with cfquery) is not a efficient as a stored proc since I have to retrieve the resultset back to CF, then call another query back to the DB. A single stored proc does everything in the DB and then returns the original query resultset for use.

Any ideas?


You could do your update in one query by making your first query a subquery and then using a separate statement to return your results. The whole thing could be a single stored procedure:

      @Variable [datatype], etc...
    UPDATE table2
    SET lockField = 1
    WHERE IN (
        SELECT id
        FROM table1
        WHERE (bunch of conditions here)
    SELECT id, field2, field3
    FROM table1
    WHERE (bunch of conditions here)

You'll probably have to pass some parameters in, but that's the basic structure of a stored procedure. Then you can call it from ColdFusion like so:

<cfstoredproc procedure="myUpdate">
    <cfprocparam type="[CF SQL Type]" value="[CF Variable]">
    <cfprocresult name="selectQuery" resultSet="1">

You could use those query results just like you were using them before.

Ok, I need a sanity check for this answer. The table1 data is in constant's essentially a queue. Because this is inside a single storedproc, it is essentially running as a single transaction right? Meaning, since I am running the SELECT on table 1 twice, I need to guarantee that I am getting the same results back both times. Since many users will be hitting this function regularly, I need to ensure the "locking" works correctly.
Bryan Lewis
No, it's not running as a single transaction. If you need the data for output before you run the update, you'll need to do it a different way. I didn't catch the whole locking thing in your question.

your problem is "bunch of conditions here" are those conditions always static? So is it ALWAYS: (FOO = @x AND BAR = @y)? Or is it conditional where sometimes FOO does not exist at all as a condition?

If FOO is not always present then you have a problem with the stored proc. T-SQL cannot do dynamic query building, in fact even allowing it would kind of negate the point of the proc, which is to compile and pre-optomize the SQL. You CAN do it of course, but you end up just having to build a SQL string inside the proc body and then executing it at the end. your much better off using CFQuery with cfqueryparams. Actually have you considered doig this:

   <cfquery name="updateQuery">
      UPDATE table2
      SET lockField = 1
                          FROM table1
                          WHERE (bunch of conditions here))
The issue is that I need to return the result set of the select statement from table1, not just update table2.
Bryan Lewis
+1  A: 

You could add an OUTPUT clause to the UPDATE statement to capture the id's of the records updated and insert them into a table variable/temp table. Then JOIN back to table1 to return the result set.

DECLARE @UpdatedRecords TABLE ( ID INT )

SET     t2.lockField = 1
OUTPUT  Inserted.ID INTO @UpdatedRecords ( ID )
FROM    table2 t2 INNER JOIN table1 t1  ON =
WHERE   (bunch of conditions for table1 here)

SELECT, t1.field2, t1.field3
FROM    table1 t1 INNER JOIN @UpdatedRecords u ON =

Keep in mind that if table1 is in constant flux, the other values ("field2" and "field3") are not guaranteed to be what they were when the UPDATE occurred. But I think your current method is susceptible to that issue as well.
