



What are the best Ruby / Rails book available right now ?

Note : I know that this question has probably been asked before. But things change so much in the Ruby / Rails world that some of the books are not up to date or even teaches things that are deprecated in the newer release of Ruby / Rails.

+2  A: 

Recently came across this article which mentions a good number of Ruby and Rails books.

Vijay Dev
+1  A: 

In my opinion the best book is still SitePoint-Patrick Lenz-Simply Rails 2 and the unforgotten one Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition, but you can start with rails guides to have a newbie tutorial.


Agile Web Development with rails Head First Rails

+4  A: 

For learning Rails and Ruby, I typically recommend (and refer to!):

Agile Web Development with Rails - Pragmatic Bookshelf (and co-written by DHH - creator of Rails)

The Rails Way - Addison-Wesley

Programming Ruby (The pickaxe book) - Pragmatic Bookshelf

The Ruby Programming Language - O'Reailly

John Pignata

I don't normally see this book recommended, but if you are a PHP developer, Rails for PHP Developers is an excellent book.
