I know this is an old thread, but I just came across the need to have separate navigation depending on the namespace of the controller. The solution I came up with was this in my application layout:
<%= render "#{controller.class.name[/^(\w*)::\w*$/, 1].try(:downcase)}/nav" %>
Which looks a bit complicated but basically does the following - it takes the controller class name, which would be for example "People" for a non-namespaced controller, and "Admin::Users" for a namespaced one. Using the [] string method with a regular expression that returns anything before two colons, or nil if there's nothing. It then changes that to lower case (the "try" is there in case there is no namespace and nil is returned). This then leaves us with either the namespace or nil. Then it simply renders the partial with or without the namespace, for example no namespace:
or in the admin namespace:
Of course these partials have to exist for each namespace otherwise an error occurs. Now the navigation for each namespace will appear for every controller without having to change any controller or view.