+1  A: 

Can you post your BTEQ script? May I also ask why you are using BTEQ instead of FastLoad or MultiLoad?

The text file error is possibly due to the data types declared in the using clause. I believe they need to be declared as VARCHAR when reading delimited input (eg. declare as VARCHAR(10) for INTEGER fields).

As for Excel, I can't find anything in the BTEQ manual that says that BTEQ can handle .xls files.

For your tab delimited files, are you doing this (that's a tab character below)?

.import vartext '   '

Or this?

.import vartext '\t'

The former works, the latter doesn't.

The BTEQ manual that I have is on my work machine. One of the first Google results for "BTEQ manual" should yield one online.

yeah..i tried out the above thing..it is success and behaved in the same way as said above. it worked with ' ' and failed with '\t'and also thanks for helping me out in finding BTEQ manual