Preamble: this is a bit of a philosophical question. I'm looking more for the "right" way to do this rather than "a" way to do this.
Let's imagine I have some products, and an ASP.NET MVC application performing CRUD on those products:-
I'm using the repository pattern, so it doesn't matter where these products come from:-
public interface IProductRepository
IEnumberable<Product> GetProducts();
Also my Repository describes a list of Users, and which products they are managers for (many-many between Users and Products). Elsewhere in the application, a Super-Admin is performing CRUD on Users and managing the relationship between Users and the Products they are permitted to manage.
Anyone is allowed to view any product, but only users who are designated as "admins" for a particular product are allowed to invoke e.g. the Edit action.
How should I go about implementing that in ASP.NET MVC? Unless I've missed something, I can't use the built-in ASP.NET Authorize attribute as first I'd need a different role for every product, and second I won't know which role to check for until I've retrieved my Product from the Repository.
Obviously you can generalise from this scenario to most content-management scenarios - e.g. Users are only allowed to edit their own Forum Posts. StackOverflow users are only allowed to edit their own questions - unless they've got 2000 or more rep...
The simplest solution, as an example, would be something like:-
public class ProductsController
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Product p = ProductRepository.GetProductById(id);
User u = UserService.GetUser(); // Gets the currently logged in user
if (ProductAdminService.UserIsAdminForProduct(u, p))
return View(p);
return RedirectToAction("AccessDenied");
My issues:
- Some of this code will need to be repeated - imagine there are several operations (Update, Delete, SetStock, Order, CreateOffer) depending on the User-Products relationship. You'd have to copy-paste several times.
- It's not very testable - you've got to mock up by my count four objects for every test.
- It doesn't really seem like the controller's "job" to be checking whether the user is allowed to perform the action. I'd much rather a more pluggable (e.g. AOP via attributes) solution. However, would that necessarily mean you'd have to SELECT the product twice (once in the AuthorizationFilter, and again in the Controller)?
- Would it be better to return a 403 if the user isn't allowed to make this request? If so, how would I go about doing that?
I'll probably keep this updated as I get ideas myself, but I'm very eager to hear yours!
Thanks in advance!
Just to add a bit of detail here. The issue I'm having is that I want the business rule "Only users with permission may edit products" to be contained in one and only one place. I feel that the same code which determines whether a user can GET or POST to the Edit action should also be responsible for determining whether to render the "Edit" link on the Index or Details views. Maybe that's not possible/not feasible, but I feel like it should be...
Edit 2
Starting a bounty on this one. I've recieved some good and helpful answers, but nothing that I feel comfortable "accepting". Bear in mind that I'm looking for a nice clean method to keep the business logic that determines whether or not the "Edit" link on the index view will be displayed in the same place that determines whether or not a request to Products/Edit/1 is authorised or not. I'd like to keep the pollution in my action method to an absoloute minimum. Ideally, I'm looking for an attribute-based solution, but I accept that may be impossible.