



Good day function-wizards,

I want an algorithm to iterate over list slices. Slices size is set outside the function and can differ.

In my mind it is something like:

for list_of_x_items in fatherList:

Is there a way to properly define list_of_x_items or some other way of doing this?

Thank you greatly.

PS: using python 2.5

edit1: So many beautiful answers.. Someone has asked to clarify. Both "partitioning" and "sliding window" terms sound applicable to my task, but I am no expert. So I will explain the problem a bit deeper and add to the question:

The fatherList is a multilevel numpy.array I am getting from a file. Function has to find averages of series (user provides the length of series) For averaging I am using the mean() function. Now for question expansion:

question update: How to modify the function you have provided to store the extra items and use them when the next fatherList is fed to the function?

for example if the list is lenght 10 and size of a chunk is 3, then the 10th member of the list is stored and appended to the beginning of the next list.

Hope I am not assaulting anyone by not creating a separate question.

edit2: Ah, SO will you marry me? Many beautiful answers and only one to choose.. Thank you everyone, I've learned more from this question than from a month of my university studies. I am choosing the OO answer because it will allow me more flexibility in the future.


+3  A: 

Do you mean something like:

def callonslices(size, fatherList, foo):
  for i in xrange(0, len(fatherList), size):

If this is roughly the functionality you want you might, if you desire, dress it up a bit in a generator:

def sliceup(size, fatherList):
  for i in xrange(0, len(fatherList), size):
    yield fatherList[i:i+size]

and then:

def callonslices(size, fatherList, foo):
  for sli in sliceup(size, fatherList):
Alex Martelli
I think you'll get lists of irregular size with that. No telling exactly what the OP wanted, but this might be closer: for i in xrange(0, len(fatherList)-size, 1):
Correction: for i in xrange(len(fatherList) - size + 1):
"irregular size"? they're all of len `size` except possibly for the last one -- and nonoverlapping. Consider what happens with your code when the len is 6 and the size is 7, say... 5 slices of decreasing length...
Alex Martelli
Better;-) but with len 6 and size 8 you still have the same problem.
Alex Martelli
+1  A: 

Your question could use some more detail, but how about:

def iterate_over_slices(the_list, slice_size):
    for start in range(0, len(the_list)-slice_size):
        slice = the_list[start:start+slice_size]
Ned Batchelder
+1  A: 

Use a generator:

big_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
slice_length = 3
def sliceIterator(lst, sliceLen):
    for i in range(len(lst) - sliceLen + 1):
        yield lst[i:i + sliceLen]

for slice in sliceIterator(big_list, slice_length):

sliceIterator implements a "sliding window" of width sliceLen over the squence lst, i.e. it produces overlapping slices: [1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5], ... Not sure if that is the OP's intention, though.

+4  A: 

If you want to be able to consume any iterable you can use these functions:

from itertools import chain, islice

def ichunked(seq, chunksize):
    """Yields items from an iterator in iterable chunks."""
    it = iter(seq)
    while True:
        yield chain([], islice(it, chunksize-1))

def chunked(seq, chunksize):
    """Yields items from an iterator in list chunks."""
    for chunk in ichunked(seq, chunksize):
        yield list(chunk)
Ants Aasma
+6  A: 

If you want to divide a list into slices you can use this trick:

list_of_slices = zip(*(iter(the_list),) * slice_size)

For example

>>> zip(*(iter(range(10)),) * 3)
[(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8)]

If the number of items is not dividable by the slice size and you want to pad the list with None you can do this:

>>> map(None, *(iter(range(10)),) * 3)
[(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (9, None, None)]

It is a dirty little trick

OK, I'll explain how it works. It'll be tricky to explain but I'll try my best.

First a little background:

In Python you can multiply a list by a number like this:

[1, 2, 3] * 3 -> [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
([1, 2, 3],) * 3 -> ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])

And an iterator object can be consumed once like this:

>>> l=iter([1, 2, 3])

The zip function returns a list of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument sequences or iterables. For example:

zip([1, 2, 3], [20, 30, 40]) -> [(1, 20), (2, 30), (3, 40)]
zip(*[(1, 20), (2, 30), (3, 40)]) -> [[1, 2, 3], [20, 30, 40]]

The * in front of zip used to unpack arguments. You can find more details here. So

zip(*[(1, 20), (2, 30), (3, 40)])

is actually equivalent to

zip((1, 20), (2, 30), (3, 40))

but works with a variable number of arguments

Now back to the trick:

list_of_slices = zip(*(iter(the_list),) * slice_size)

iter(the_list) -> convert the list into an iterator

(iter(the_list),) * N -> will generate an N reference to the_list iterator.

zip(*(iter(the_list),) * N) -> will feed those list of iterators into zip. Which in turn will group them into N sized tuples. But since all N items are in fact references to the same iterator iter(the_list) the result will be repeated calls to next() on the original iterator

I hope that explains it. I advice you to go with an easier to understand solution. I was only tempted to mention this trick because I like it.

Nadia Alramli
Looks neat. Can you kindly explain the magic of *(iter(the_list),) ?
Thank you greatly. The solution is clear as a pythons' tear now.
+1  A: 

Answer to the last part of the question:

question update: How to modify the function you have provided to store the extra items and use them when the next fatherList is fed to the function?

If you need to store state then you can use an object for that.

class Chunker(object):
    """Split `iterable` on evenly sized chunks.

    Leftovers are remembered and yielded at the next call.
    def __init__(self, chunksize):
        assert chunksize > 0
        self.chunksize = chunksize        
        self.chunk = []

    def __call__(self, iterable):
        """Yield items from `iterable` `self.chunksize` at the time."""
        assert len(self.chunk) < self.chunksize
        for item in iterable:
            if len(self.chunk) == self.chunksize:
                # yield collected full chunk
                yield self.chunk
                self.chunk = []


chunker = Chunker(3)
for s in "abcd", "efgh":
    for chunk in chunker(s):
        print ''.join(chunk)

if chunker.chunk: # is there anything left?
    print ''.join(chunker.chunk)


J.F. Sebastian
+3  A: 

I am not sure, but it seems you want to do what is called a moving average. numpy provides facilities for this (the convolve function).

>>> x = numpy.array(range(20))
>>> x
    array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17, 18, 19])    
>>> n = 2 # moving average window
>>> numpy.convolve(numpy.ones(n)/n, x)[n-1:-n+1]
array([  0.5,   1.5,   2.5,   3.5,   4.5,   5.5,   6.5,   7.5,   8.5,
         9.5,  10.5,  11.5,  12.5,  13.5,  14.5,  15.5,  16.5,  17.5,  18.5])

The nice thing is that it accomodates different weighting schemes nicely (just change numpy.ones(n) / n to something else).

You can find a complete material here:
