And here's one that works on Windows
I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:
import threading, msvcrt
import sys
def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
self.timedout = False
self.input = ''
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
chr = msvcrt.getche()
if ord(chr) == 13:
elif ord(chr) >= 32:
self.input += chr
if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:
sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
result = default
it = KeyboardThread()
it.timedout = True
if len(it.input) > 0:
# wait for rest of input
result = it.input
print '' # needed to move to next line
return result
# and some examples of usage
ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
print 'The name is %s' % ans
ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
print 'The number is %s' % ans