I've been doing object-oriented programming for most of the past 7 years, using Java on and off during that time. Some things I'm certain I have an excellent grasp of, such as the most useful design patterns. In fact, the following code allowed me to crank out a little system in under a day's time, that would handle the one particular instance we are ready to implement now, while being flexible enough to handle the future requirements I've been informed of:
public void importAndArchive(File detectedFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
File workingCopy = returnWorkingCopy(detectedFile);
List<String[]> csvData = csvData(workingCopy);
importData(csvData); //subclass will implement this abstract method
I don't show the above to boast about my grasp of the template method, but rather as a starting point to discuss a gap I have in my abilities that is glaring in light of my OO design abilities. And that gap is, a systematic approach to exception handling. Indeed you can see in that method signature I am for the time being re-throwing some exceptions, but actually I've gone on to eradicate the very same sort of thing in another corner of the application.
Before I go much further though, since this is my first attempt to be especially systematic, I would like some validation of what I've done thus far. Our application loops over a bunch of files, "processes" them, and "archives" them. Pretty standard fare. One decision I've made in order to roll out a prototype as quickly as possible is as follows. The application gets initialized based on data in a (ResourceBundled) properties file. The various methods in the ResourceBundle API throw unchecked exceptions, but I am not really handling them whatsoever for the time being, on the grounds that they will prevent the app from starting, and the stacktrace can suffice for the time being.
I have however chosen a library for CSV handling which throws checked exceptions. NetBeans then made it very easy to proliferate those exceptions to begin with ;) The following is a method that I've since reworked that actually handles those exceptions:
private String detectImportHandler(File detectedFile) throws Exception {
String[] firstLine = null;
try {
* CSVReader throws checked exceptions
CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(detectedFile));
firstLine = csvReader.readNext();
catch(Exception x) {
throw new Exception("CSVReader unable to process file: " + x.getMessage());
try {
return firstLine[1];
catch(Exception x) {
* since we're re-throwing CSVReader's checked exceptions it seems easiest
* to also re-throw null-pointer and/or array-out-of-bounds errors
throw new Exception(
"First line null or did not have importHandlerType field: " + x.getMessage());
The above method is being called thusly, inside a loop that processes the files:
try {
importHandlerType = detectImportHandler(detectedFile);
catch(Exception x) {
unusableFileErrors.put(detectedFile.getName(), x.getMessage());
unusableFileErrors is a Map, and I figure when I am done iterating over the files, I can then use this map and the file-specific messages it contains to handle things at a higher level, such as logging, moving the files somewhere else on the system, etc.
Anyway I've gone on long enough. I have ordered the book "Robust Java" and I'm hoping between it, and the SO community, I can improve this neglected facet of my abilities. I've seen other similar questions on SO but I figure that also requesting specific advice in the context of actual code might be of benefit.