I have a programmer class that populates a ul with project names and checkboxes - when a checkbox is clicked a popup dialog is supposed to show with the programmers id and the project name. dojo.connect is supposed to setup onclick for each li but the project (i) defaults to the last value (windows). Any ideas why this is happening?
projects: {"redial", "cms", "android", "windows"},
name: "Chris",
id: "2",
constructor: function(programmer) {
this.name = programmer.name;
this.id = programmer.id;
this.projects = programmer.projects;
update: function(theid, project) {
alert(theid + ", " + project);
postCreate: function() {
// add in the name of the programmer
this.programmerName.innerHTML = this.name;
for(var i in this.projects) {
node = document.createElement("li");
innerNode = document.createElement("label");
innerNode.setAttribute("for", this.id + "_" + i);
innerNode.innerHTML = i;
tickNode = document.createElement("input");
tickNode.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
tickNode.setAttribute("id", this.id + "_" + i);
if(this.projects[i] == 1) {
tickNode.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
dojo.connect(tickNode, 'onclick', dojo.hitch(this, function() {
this.update(this.id, i)