



When using one of the various JDBC template methods I am confused on how to iterate/scroll over large result sets (which won't fit into memory). Even without a direct exposure of an Iterable interface I would at least expect instances of RowCallbackHandler to get called while the query is executing not after it's finished (or the heap overfloats).

I did have a look a at this (which changed nothing for me despite being similar in spirit to this post on stack overflow) and at this post in the spring forums. The latter seems to suggest that the callback handler should indeed get called while the cursor is fetching data. My tests however show no such behaviour.

The database is an Oracle10g. I am using the driver and Spring 2.5.6.SEC01. Any ideas anyone how to iterate over result sets, preferably while keeping the mapping logic of RowMapper etc.?

+1  A: 

It's a property of the driver/connection whether to stream data back to you or whether to send it back in one chunk. For example, in SQL Server, you use the SelectMethod property on the connection URL:


The value of direct means that the results should come in one go. The other choice is cursor, which allows you to specify that you want the connection to stream results back to you. I'm not sure what the analog for an Oracle data source is, I'm afraid

the RowCallbackHandler certainly works for me.

Yes, ideally you don't put into a dataset, you would grab the records while keepin the connection open asking if there are more records. I did this in .NET and got a pretty good improvement in performance. I imagine something similar for java would exist, especially in spring.
@*Zoidberg* - the OP appears to be doing the correct thing, using a row callback handler
This sounds promising. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything similar to this SQL Server URL setting in the Oracle JDBC documentation.
+2  A: 

The Oracle JDBC driver has proper support for the setFetchSize() method on java.sql.Statement, which allows you to control how many rows the driver will fetch in one go.

However, RowMapper as used by Spring works by reading each row into memory, getting the RowMapper to translate it into an object, and storing each row's object in one big list. If your result set is huge, then this list will get big, regardless of how JDBC fetches the row data.

If you need to handle large result sets, then RowMapper isn't scaleable. You might consider using RowCallbackHandler instead, along with the corresponding methods on JdbcTemplate. RowCallbackHandler doesn't dictate how the results are stored, leaving it up to you to store them.

setFetchSize did not change things for me, I tried using it before. Do you develop against an Oracle instance? For me RowCallBackHandler just hangs, waiting for the query to finish as I wrote in my OP.
Apparently I forgot the call afterPropertiesSet() on the JDBC template in my test. Embarrassing, but now it works :*)