I have a basic C# console application that reads a text file (CSV format) line by line and puts the data into a HashTable. The first CSV item in the line is the key (id num) and the rest of the line is the value. However I've discovered that my import file has a few duplicate keys that it shouldn't have. When I try to import the file the application errors out because you can't have duplicate keys in a HashTable. I want my program to be able to handle this error though. When I run into a duplicate key I would like to put that key into a arraylist and continue importing the rest of the data into the hashtable. How can I do this in C#
Here is my code:
private static Hashtable importFile(Hashtable myHashtable, String myFileName) {
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(myFileName);
CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader();
ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();
int count = 0;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
String temp = sr.ReadLine();
if (temp.StartsWith(" "))
tempArray = csvReader.CSVParser(temp);
Boolean first = true;
String key = "";
String value = "";
foreach (String x in tempArray)
if (first)
key = x;
first = false;
value += x + ",";
myHashtable.Add(key, value);
Console.WriteLine("Import Count: " + count);
return myHashtable;