




We have two images with transparent sections that each have a map and separately they work fine. When the images are overlapped using css position relative and absolute only the top map seems to work. Is there some way to make both maps work?

Edit: We are only concerned with working in Mozilla and the w3 standard so no IE workarounds are needed.

+2  A: 

This is by design. According to the HTML 4.01 spec, section 13.6.1 ("Client-side image maps: the MAP and AREA elements"):

"If two or more defined regions overlap, the region-defining element that appears earliest in the document takes precedence (i.e., responds to user input)."


Ah, I thought it was "WHERE two or more defined regions overlap..." which would mean that if I have a large box that is mapped and it has a small box inside of it that is mapped then outside the small box the big box mapping would be used.