





I have a simple cakephp app with table "articles" that has a "cat_id" column to reference a "id" column of categories in a "cats" table.

What I would like to do is display all categories names, each followed with a count of the number of articles belonging to that category.

I know there is a find('count') function in cakephp, but that only working on one table/field. How do I link the two tables to get a list of category names and count of articles for each category for my view?



it might be better to do this in the afterFind callback on the model but can be done in the controller aswell.

$cats - $this->Cat->find('all',array('recursive'=>-1));
foreach($cats as $key=>$cat){
  $cats[$key]['ArticleCount'] = $this->Cat->Article->find('count',array(

or see if this works

$cats = $this->Cat->find('all',array('contain'=>array(
          'Article'=>array('fields'=>array('COUNT(*) AS ArticleCount')

obviously you will need to add the containable behavior on the category model.


Thanks, this worked:

     $cats = $this->Article->Cat->find('all',array('recursive'=>-1));
 foreach($cats as $key=>$cat){
   $cats[$key]['ArticleCount'] = $this->Article->find('count',array(
That probably works, but I think there is a better way. you should use the Set::combine function instead of the foreach. Something like this I think is more efficient:$category_count = $this->Article->find('all', array( 'fields' => array('Category.name', 'COUNT(Article.id) AS num_articles'), 'group' => 'Category.id', 'conditions' => $conditions));$category_count = Set::combine($category_count, '{n}.Category.name', '{n}.0.num_articles');This assumes your model relations are set up correctly.
This works, but to dhofstet's point you're duplicating code that already exists in the model in the form of CounterCache.
Darren Newton
+2  A: 

You could also use the countercache feature: http://book.cakephp.org/view/816/counterCache-Cache-your-count

+2  A: 

You also might consider checking out counterCache to cache the count within a column value.

Matt Huggins
+2  A: 

COme on! Use counterCache! In table "cats" create field article_count. In Model write

class Cat extends AppModel
   var $name = 'Cat';
   var $belongsTo = array('Article'=>array('counterCache'=>true));

That's all! every time you add/remove from articles, it writes to cats table count of articles. don't forget to include article_count into fields list
