So, how can I drop all indexes in a SQL database with one command? I have this command that will get me all the 20 or so drop statements, but how can I run all of those drop statements from this "result set"?
select * from vw_drop_idnex;
Another variation that gives me the same list is:
FROM sysindexes ix
WHERE ix.Name IS NOT null and ix.Name like '%pre_%'
I tried to do "exec(select cmd from vw_drop_idnex)" and it didn't work. I am looking for something that works like a for loop and runs the queries one by one.
With Rob Farleys help, final draft of the script is:
declare @ltr nvarchar(1024);
SELECT @ltr = ( select 'alter table '' drop constraint '';'
from sys.indexes i join sys.objects o on i.object_id=o.object_id
where o.type<>'S' and is_primary_key=1
FOR xml path('') );
exec sp_executesql @ltr;
declare @qry nvarchar(1024);
select @qry = (select 'drop index ''.'';'
from sys.indexes i join sys.objects o on i.object_id=o.object_id
where o.type<>'S' and is_primary_key<>1 and index_id>0
for xml path(''));
exec sp_executesql @qry