



I've tried taking this code and converting it to something for a project I'm working on for programming language processing, but I'm running into an issue with a simplified version:

op = oneOf( '+ - / *')
lparen, rparen = Literal('('), Literal(')')

expr = Forward()
expr << ( Word(nums) | ( expr + op + expr ) | ( lparen + expr + rparen) )

I've played around with a number of different modifications of this simple setup. Usually, trying something like:


Will return ['1']. While I get caught in deep recursion with something like:


What am I missing with respect to simple recursion that I can't parse arbitrarily arithmetic expressions, such as 1+(2 * 3-(4*(5+6)-(7))...?

+2  A: 

A grammar like:

expr :: expr op expr

is hard to work with because the recursion just keeps diving into the left.

A normal arithmetic grammar would look something like:

expr :: mulxp | mulxp '+' expr
mulxp :: atom | atom '*' expr
atom :: Word(nums) | '(' + expr + ')'

Basically, you never get S :: S; any time a nonterminal appears on the left and right hand sides of a line in the grammar, there must be some literal in the middle for the parser to consume.

John Fouhy
+3  A: 

Is this more or less what you want...?

from pyparsing import Literal,Word,ZeroOrMore,Forward,nums,oneOf

def Syntax():
    op = oneOf( '+ - / *')
    lpar  = Literal( '(' )
    rpar  = Literal( ')' )
    num = Word(nums)

    expr = Forward()
    atom = num | ( lpar + expr + rpar )
    expr << atom + ZeroOrMore( op + expr )
    return expr

if __name__ == "__main__":

    expr = Syntax()

    def test(s):
        results = expr.parseString( s )
        print s,'->', results

    test( "(9 + 3)" )
    test( "(9 + 3) * (4 / 5)" )


(9 + 3) -> ['(', '9', '+', '3', ')']
(9 + 3) * (4 / 5) -> ['(', '9', '+', '3', ')', '*', '(', '4', '/', '5', ')']

? This "anchors" the recursion by separating an "atom" (number or parenthesized expression) from an "expression" (one or more "atoms" with operators in-between).

Alex Martelli
+5  A: 

Wow, I guess pyparsing is really on the map! Thanks Alex and John for stepping in on this question. You are both on the mark with your responses. But let me add a comment or two:

  1. If we suppress the opening and closing parenthesis symbols, and group the parenthesized expression using Group, pyparsing will a structured result that is closer to an AST.

    from pyparsing import Literal,Word,ZeroOrMore,Forward,nums,oneOf,Group
    def Syntax():
        op = oneOf( '+ - / *')
        lpar  = Literal( '(' ).suppress()
        rpar  = Literal( ')' ).suppress()
        num = Word(nums)
        expr = Forward()
        atom = num | Group( lpar + expr + rpar )
        expr << atom + ZeroOrMore( op + expr )
        return expr
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        expr = Syntax()
        def test(s):
            results = expr.parseString( s )
            print s,'->', results
    test( "(9 + 3)" )
    test( "(9 + 3) * (4 / 5)" )


    (9 + 3) -> [['9', '+', '3']]
    (9 + 3) * (4 / 5) -> [['9', '+', '3'], '*', ['4', '/', '5']]

    Otherwise, pyparsing is just tokenizing, and you have to walk the list of parsed tokens to find the nested expressions.

  2. Since op is defined as just oneOf("+ - * /"), there is no precedence of operations. There are examples on the pyparsing wiki of the manual way to define this (, or the more recent approach using the operatorPrecedence helper ( Again, this has pyparsing adding more value than just tokenizing.

To the OP, please check out those examples, I think they will help move you forward on your project.

-- Paul

Paul McGuire