



Specifically thinking about the Flash version but I'm sure this applies to the JS version too. Should I cache/queue a number of events before calling the API and then send them all at once or should I simply report them as they happen?

I'd like to track a lot of events, say 50 or so per a minute, but I don't want to completely overwhelm the user or Google with this. From reading the documentation Google provides it's not clear to me that queuing things will help at all, but in that case is there anything I can do?

Thanks in advance

+1  A: 

My 2c: Odds are the user would spend a few seconds between events. If you queue them, you'd send 50 or so events all at once, which I don't think is better at all. I'd try to distribute load on the network as evenly as possible. An other dissadvantage is that if your user closes the tab, you would loose the last events in the buffer, because they were never sent.


Be aware that Google has certain limitations... One that I remember is this:

Events Per Session Limit

For each visit (user session), a maximum of approximately 500 combined GATC requests (both events and page views) can be tracked.
