



I've just stumbled across this fascinating article on the BBC website regarding producing music in realtime using a programming language - so called "Live Coding"

I can't seem to find much info on getting started having a go at this sort of stuff, has anyone here heard of Live Coding?

Where do you get the tools / IDE to start doing this stuff?

+3  A: 

The Toplap website has links to people, audio, gigs, tools and demos. There are some introductory exercises there which provide some pointers. Chuck is an example of one of the programming languages used for this type of coding. Supercollider is an integrated environment and audio programming language that looks pretty good.

I'm astonished.
Arnis L.
Got Chuck up and running but no luck with SuperCollider on Win 7 :-(
@Calanus Works for me on win7. Shame that win version has no autocomplete and manual is quite confusing.
Arnis L.

If you're on a Mac, you can try impromptu.
