i am new to ms-access, and i have started to look at code that works. unfortunately it is completely uncommented.
Private Sub OKbut_Click()
Dim dt As Date
dt = Now()
Set rstOrder = New ADODB.Recordset
rstOrder.Open "tblUsers", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
If rstOrder.Supports(adAddNew) Then
With rstOrder
.Fields("title") = title
.Fields("first") = first
.Fields("last") = last
.Fields("gender") = gender
.Fields("date_submitted") = dt
End With
End If
Set rstOrder = Nothing
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT id FROM tblUsers WHERE date_submitted=#" & dt & "#")
duser = rs.Fields("id")
Set rs = Nothing
Do While Not user_defined(duser)
DoCmd.OpenForm "define_user_frm", , , , , acDialog
'Forms(0).user_lst.RowSource = "select * from users where id=" & duser
End Sub
- what does the function Now() do?
- ADODB.Recordset is just a way to connect to a table?
- adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic what are these?
- why are we checking this: if rstOrder.Supports(adAddNew) ?
- why do we need to do this: Set rstOrder = Nothing?
- what does this do:? Do While Not user_defined(duser) DoCmd.OpenForm "define_user_frm", , , , , acDialog Loop